
People of all skin types experience great results after undergoing dermaplaning. It does not cause any irritation to the skin and instead promotes a healthy glow and a more even-looking complexion. Women who want their makeup to last longer throughout the day may also find dermaplaning beneficial because dead skin cells clog pores and make your foundation appear less smooth on the surface of your face.

Dermaplaning San Antonio

About Dermaplaning Treatment

Dermaplaning can be performed on all areas of the face. This gentle resurfacing technique removes dead cells from the top layer of your skin, allowing new ones to grow back healthily without causing irritation or inflammation. It is especially useful in eliminating peach fuzz. 

The treatment is performed with a sterile surgical blade. The therapist will then use a downward motion with the blade, removing dead cells and peach fuzz from your face. There may be mild discomfort during this procedure, but it usually does not last for more than a few minutes. 

Most dermaplaning treatments take approximately 45 minutes, depending on how much hair needs to be removed and what area of the face you are having it done on. There will also be some redness, which can last anywhere from one or two hours up until 24 hours after your treatment.

Benefits of Dermaplaning Treatment

The benefits of dermaplaning include improved texture and better absorption of other products you apply to your face after the procedure is completed. 

It is very beneficial for those who have:

  • uneven skin tones
  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • blemishes, acne scars, or hyperpigmentation spots
  • sun damage


Dermaplaning is not recommended for people with extremely sensitive skin, active acne breakouts, or inflammatory skin diseases like rosacea or eczema. Dr. Cobbinah will evaluate your specific skin condition and needs before recommending dermaplaning or another suitable skin treatment for you.

Dermaplaning is a very safe and gentle procedure that does not cause any irritation or inflammation. Side effects of this type of treatment are minimal. Most people do not experience anything more than some mild redness after their session, which goes away within several hours. You must stay out of direct sunlight for 24 hours post-treatment to protect your sensitive dermis from sun exposure.

This treatment is not recommended for people with autoimmune disorders, active infections on the skin or face, severe scarring, or using certain medications or retinoid creams. Be sure to talk to Dr. Cobbinah about any potential risks or contraindications before undergoing this procedure.

Typically it takes between 24-48 hours for your skin to heal after dermaplaning, so you shouldn’t apply makeup until then. This allows time for the top layer of cells to regenerate and prevents irritation that could result from applying products containing harsh chemicals before they have a chance to recover.

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