Medical Weight Loss

Our goal is to fight obesity in our community, one patient at a time!

Most people know that good nutrition and physical activity prevent obesity. However, most still struggle to achieve the weight loss needed to provide optimal health and eliminate weight-related medical conditions. Obesity affects a person’s physical and mental wellness.

Medical Weight Loss San Antonio

Our Approach

As a member of the Obesity Medicine Association, Dr. Cobbinah focuses on the four pillars of Obesity Medicine to treat her patients:

Physical Activity
Behavior Modification

She utilizes these four scientifically-based pillars to individualize treatment plans for her patients. She understands the individual needs of people struggling with weight loss. She collaborates with patients to create a comprehensive treatment approach specific to their needs.

A medically supervised weight loss program will help you not just safely lose the excess pounds but also be able to keep it off. Patients will meet our physician weekly for the first month and then graduate to a less frequent visit as they meet their weight loss goals. During the visits, patients learn about nutrition, exercise, and behavior modification. Guidance and accountability are the keys to success for weight loss. We ensure that you have scientifically backed and proven methods to guide you throughout your weight loss journey.

One in three children is affected by obesity. For some, excess weight and obesity occur as early as toddlerhood. Dr. Cobbinah accepts patients as young as nine years old and utilizes a family-centered approach to combat childhood obesity. Involving the family is a key element to treating childhood obesity in addition to meeting diet, nutrition, and physical activity goals.

Call Today at (210) 568-7555 to begin your child’s journey into a healthy future.

Obesity is a complex and chronic disease that can be prevented and treated. It may be due to various underlying causes and definitely not just because of overeating. Some of these factors include:

  • Psychological depression or stress
  • A basic imbalance of calories being burnt versus consumed due to lifestyle and work
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Hormonal imbalances that lead to suppression of appetite and fullness signals
  • Genetic Factors
  • Some prescription medications

Obesity causes some of the most common metabolic diseases that Dr. Cobbinah also encounters in her daily practice. Some obesity-related health conditions include:

  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Gallbladder diseases
  • Heart diseases
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Psychological Depression

Dr. Cobbinah combines science and evidence-based medicine with individualized obesity treatment, resulting in her patients’ long-term health and weight maintenance.

We also offer truSculpt® iD treatment for body sculpting at our clinic. It is the first treatment on the market that can treat people with a BMI higher than 30. During the consult, you can discuss with Dr. Cobbinah if this broad range, radiofrequency, body sculpting treatment is right for you.


Obesity is a complex but treatable condition. Several factors such as stress or metabolic disorders impact your ability to maintain the weight loss that you have achieved. Long-term management of this weight loss needs implementing multiple effective strategies such as behavioral and lifestyle changes that prevent ‘weight cycling’ or losing and gaining weight multiple times. Being a Family Medicine practitioner and member of the Obesity Management Association, Dr. Cobbinah can help you with a medically supervised weight loss program that takes into consideration your unique health conditions and challenges to help you achieve your healthy weight loss goals.

One meal a day diet, popularly known as OMAD, may not be for everyone. The body goes into starvation mode when you skip a meal or severely restrict food intake. This slows your metabolism and makes it harder to lose weight. It’s important to remember that you can also lose weight by eating more healthy meals without skipping meals or severely restricting certain food groups.

One-meal-a-day diets are not safe for certain groups of people, including children and teens. People with diabetes or low blood sugar shouldn’t try a one-meal-a-day diet without consulting their doctor first.

Weight loss plateauing after rapidly losing weight can be frustrating. However, this may be temporary, and if you keep up with the positive changes you have made to your lifestyle and the specific plan formulated for you by Dr. Cobbinah, this plateau may be short-lived.

If you’re committed to moving past the weight-loss plateau, try these tips: 

  • Eat more vegetables
  • Drink more water
  • Add in 30 to 60 minutes of exercise, but only if you’re still losing weight. If you’re not losing weight or your weight loss has plateaued, it’s time to move on to another tip.
  • Eating one big meal a day can help people lose weight, but it’s important to remember that this type of diet is not safe for everyone.
  • Changing the frequency and/or intensity of your exercise and modifying your food intake during the plateau phase will help you move beyond this phase.

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Fill out the form below or call us today at (210) 568-7555 for your health and wellness check or a consultation with Dr. Freda Cobbinah to meet your aesthetic goals.